LLL-Academy for persons with learning deficits
A contribution to the life long learning strategy in the field of adult education (ESF Target 2; co-financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture) 2007 – 2010.
The LLL-Academy comprises modular measures for adults with learning deficits in the following fields: basic qualification, lower secondary school graduation, final apprenticeship examination, certificates qualifying for an entry into higher education as well as courses for the entry into a university of applied sciences. A supplementary main focus lies on information, counselling and orientation, assisting courses in German, English, Mathematics or study technique as well as workshops for special needs of immigrants. Based on already existing teaching and learning forms further innovative methods will be developed.
Our aim is to reach about 10.600 persons. We want to contribute essentially to the life long learning strategy in the field of adult education. This comprehensive offer shall assist in improving the access to basic, secondary as well as post-secondary or tertiary education by reduction of barriers and creation of equal opportunities for disadvantaged persons.
In the frame of this project we will develop new concepts, curricula, teaching- and learning material, carry out pilot and other courses as well as undertake a lot of dissemination activities.
National partners are the “Technisch-Gewerbliche Abendschule des BFI Wien”, a technic-industrial evening school for adults, “BFI Österreich”, the umbrella association of all BFI vocational training centres in the Austrian provinces, and “BFI Niederösterreich”, the BFI vocational training centre of Lower Austria.
This project is supported by the European Social Fund / Target 2 and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture.