IMMI-Train - "Supporting Efficient Recruitment of Immigrants" (Leonardo da Vinci II) 2005 - 2007

Mobility of citizens across countries is one phenomena of our era. The reception and social integration of immigrants is one of the major challenges facing Europe today.

The lack of information or misleading information within companies regarding immigration rights, laws and potenzialities of foreign employees, tend to provoke their negligence among the native population. Neglecting the potenzialities of immigrants, and allocation them out of the formal work system undermining their skills and knowledge is leading to marginalization of foreign communities and loss of their motivation.

In the frame of the project a training and communication tool for HR managers will be developed. This tool shall enable HR managers to work with immigrants. The project proposes to instruct and intensify knowledge, concerning immigration. On one hand to make the services of HR departments more accessible to immigrants, on the other hand to bring together employers with immigrants.

The project aims are:

  • Identify HR managers’ needs for information concerning immigration.
  • Develop guidelines for a training profile regarding qualifications and skills for HR managers.
  • Develop a training and communication tool for HR managers.
  • Promote professional training for HR personnel from enterprises and public organizations.

Partners in the IMMI-Train project are 6 Institutions from 5 countries – Austria, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain. All the partners will contribute to the development of the training and communication tool. The co-ordinator of the project is an Portuguese Institution - SPI – Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovacao.
For more information please see:

This project funded by Leonardo da Vinci has been carried out with the support of the European Community. The content of this project does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community or the National Agency, nor does it involve any responsibility on their part.

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